Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-12-07 08:33:03 +0100: > > the problem is more likely management of the same. browsing the changes is > > not really convenient. ideally i'd like to see versions in the > > class-browser and in the debugger, where on error i could then take a look > > at older versions for comparison, and switch to them to see if maybe the > > last change was the cause of the error. > What you describe is a GUI limitation, not the changes itself :(. A > better integration of the browser/debugger with the code versionning. > And just a local git, fossil or monticello repository would be enough. > All the pieces are there.
indeed. for me that's a good enough answer for now. at least for the source versioning. i can very well imagine how to make that work. unfortunately i don't think it is enough to support the question richard received. i am still not clear how object versioning would work. i mean, i can imagine this: x := Foo new. i can now save x in a database. and i can retrieve it, and the result is the same as the original call of Foo new. but we are talking about code versioning, so presumably, i want to version the class. i guess that would need to happen in the browser too. every time a code-change is saved, a new class object is created. that needs then to be stored in the database, along with the source code. and when browsing a class, i should get a list of historical objects, just like i can get a list of historical source versions. why would i want to version the class object? to avoid recompiling it, either to save time, or because recompiling does not guarantee that we do actually get the same result because it may be affected by the environment. (i don't know if that is an issue however) do i get that right? or are there other reasons for class object versioning, if there are any at all. > As an example, it would be very easy to make AltBrowser browse all the > MC stuff, or RB changes, in addition to the normal (RPackage/Ring) live > code structure (and hence give you access to class versions, method > versions, etc...). that is the second time someone suggests altbrowser. i am going to have to look at that...) greetings, martin. -- eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life -- chief engineer eKita.co pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net societyserver.org secretary beijinglug.org mentor fossasia.org foresight developer foresightlinux.org realss.com unix sysadmin Martin Bähr working in china http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/