2015-12-07 8:53 GMT+01:00 Martin Bähr <mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at>:
> Excerpts from Dimitris Chloupis's message of 2015-12-07 08:24:13 +0100: > > > well, i wouldn't need or even want it in memory, so on disk is fine. > the > > > problem is more likely management of the same. browsing the changes is > not > > > really convenient. > > > There are versions already for methods. So the functionality is there. > > only if i save them in monticello though, and i can't just switch the > version > of a single method, only the whole changeset at once. in git i can limit > browsing to a specific file, and then copy an old version of a file into > the > current workspace. it is a bit crude, but it can be done. i don't see that > kind > of functionality in pharo. the data is there, but the tools to use the > data in > this specific manner are not. > They are there: I implemented and demoed what you describe as a need over git a few years ago when I started GitFileTree [1]. Then, probably over more than a year ago, Dale Henrich implemented a lot more in his environment (tode). Now, what we may conclude is that the need may not be that great. Regards, Thierry [1] http://forum.world.st/Pharo-dev-Versions-Browser-over-gitfiletree-tp4695490.html