Mariano soon with spur 64bits we will see :)
Le 28/9/15 14:57, Mariano Martinez Peck a écrit :
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Stephan Eggermont <
<>> wrote:
On 27-09-15 18:47, Adam wrote:
1) Object memory limit: Current object memory of Pharo is
limited to 4GB. Free
version of GemStone/S is also limited to 4GB, so I would
rather stick with
Pharo until I reach this level. And in the future this limit
grow due to 64bit
version of VM.
The information on GemStone seems incorrect.
What I read there is that the Limited (email address required)
license supports 50 GB of (on-disk) objects, with a 2GB shared
page cache.
On the one hand, the license has changed starting in GemStone version
3.2. On the other hand, the "memory" limit you are talking about is
called Share Page Cache and it's more a "soft" limit in the sense that
is simply a cache of the persistent objects brought from disk. If you
have a small "cache" the performance will be bad because of trashing
(objects going and coming back from disk) but it doesn't mean the
program won't be able to run because it doesn't fit.
Free GemStone version involves a 2GB SPC. That is normally enough for
small/medium apps.
That is completely different as the "memory" limit for Pharo.