
Keep an eye on the GLASS list[1] for an upcoming (within 2 months - I promise:) announcement about GsDevKit_home (not to be confused with gsDevKitHome:)... as it will provide much needed support for creating/starting/managing multiple GemStone stones.... If you are interested in working with GemStone:)



On 09/28/2015 12:48 PM, Adam wrote:

Yes, I was confused by some old discussion. New licence is different. Thanks
for correction.


Dne Po 28. září 2015 12:17:19, Stephan Eggermont napsal(a):
On 27-09-15 18:47, Adam wrote:
1) Object memory limit: Current object memory of Pharo is limited to 4GB.
Free version of GemStone/S is also limited to 4GB, so I would rather
stick with Pharo until I reach this level. And in the future this limit
grow due to 64bit version of VM.
The information on GemStone seems incorrect.
What I read there is that the Limited (email address required) license
supports 50 GB of (on-disk) objects, with a 2GB shared page cache.


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