
Sorry for the slow reaction.

Indeed, we would like to encourage the packaging of GT extensions in the
same project as the code they extend. So, in this case,
GT-InspectorExtensions-XML would be better suited to be in the
repository under XML-Parser-GT-InspectorExtensions.

Actually, given that most of these extensions are not more complicated than
a printOn:, I would even argue that in many cases it would be more suitable
to have them in the same package as the class they extend. I know it sounds
like bad dependency management, but the GT-Inspector is here to stay (and
the API will likely remain compatible in the future), so the risk is
minimal and I think in many situations you will this approach more

So, Ben: could you push the package as you described (only call it please


On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 4:28 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>  Hi ben
>> we could update the configurationOfXMLReader.
>> But the right solution is to define a new configuration loading GT-Tools,
>> XMLReader and your extensions.
>> In pharo 40 we could consider that GT-Tools is loaded.
>> Now I think that making the dependencies explicit is important.
>>  So what do you think of...
>> * Updating ConfigurationOfXMLParser to automatically load the extensions
>> for Pharo4.
>> * Moving the package into the XML-Parser repository so it sits next to
>> other compatibility packages like XML-Parser-GemstoneCompatability -- and
>> possibly renaming it something like XML-Parser-GT-Extensions.
>> The package I maintain with monty is in PharoExtras so I would prefer not
>> to change its location.
> I meant moving   GT-InspectorExtensions-XML..mcz   from Smalltalkhub
> Moose/GToolkit
> to Smalltalkhub PharoExtras/XMLParser  renamed
> XML-Parser-GTExtensions..mcz ,
> but that might not suit the GT Team.
> Actually in off-list correspondence with monty I learnt of
> XMLPluggableElementFactory,  which seems to suit my need better than my
> proposed GT extensions for XMLParser.
> cheers -ben
>> Stef
>>>  I would prefer to qualify the extensions by the tool they refer to:
>>> GT-InspectorExtensions-*, GT-SpotterExtensions-* etc.
>>>  gtDisplayOn: should be more in the inspector, but probably some were
>>> added mostly in the spotter so they ended up in the less optimal package.
>>  okay. good to understand.
>>  cheers -ben
>>>  Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>>>  I happened to need to use and XML Parser for the first time and found
>>>> inspecting the structure awkward, so I added some GTInspector extensions to
>>>> XML-Parser. This is uploaded as XML-Parser-BenComan.304 to
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PharoExtras/XMLParser.  Could someone who
>>>> uses XML regularly check if these are reasonable?
>>>>  Now should these methods be packaged separately somehow, since they
>>>> are likely not of interest to other Smalltalk flavours?
>>>>  btw I gave them a protocol of "GT-Extensions" - but I also considered
>>>> "moldable-tools" and "tools-extensions".  If there a preference?  This will
>>>> likely be a common occurrence across the community, so we should try for a
>>>> consistent convention across the community for such extensions.
>>>>  btw2, I notice that #gtDisplayOn: implementors are fairly evenly
>>>> split between [GT-InspectorExtensions-Core] and
>>>> [GT-SpotterExtensions-Core].  Are they really separated like this in their
>>>> use?
>>>>  cheers -ben
>>>   --
>>>  www.tudorgirba.com
>>>  "Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"

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