
There already exists a GT-InspectorExtensions-XML which is already
published in the GT repository.

I would prefer to qualify the extensions by the tool they refer to:
GT-InspectorExtnesions-*, GT-SpotterExtensions-* etc.

gtDisplayOn: should be more in the inspector, but probably some were added
mostly in the spotter so they ended up in the less optimal package.


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> I happened to need to use and XML Parser for the first time and found
> inspecting the structure awkward, so I added some GTInspector extensions to
> XML-Parser. This is uploaded as XML-Parser-BenComan.304 to
> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PharoExtras/XMLParser.  Could someone who
> uses XML regularly check if these are reasonable?
> Now should these methods be packaged separately somehow, since they are
> likely not of interest to other Smalltalk flavours?
> btw I gave them a protocol of "GT-Extensions" - but I also considered
> "moldable-tools" and "tools-extensions".  If there a preference?  This will
> likely be a common occurrence across the community, so we should try for a
> consistent convention across the community for such extensions.
> btw2, I notice that #gtDisplayOn: implementors are fairly evenly split
> between [GT-InspectorExtensions-Core] and [GT-SpotterExtensions-Core].  Are
> they really separated like this in their use?
> cheers -ben


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