Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-04-08 10:11:44 +0200:
> > As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be
> > interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only
> > somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would).
> > But that may be a lot o work so I can only dream about it, as nobody has
> > time for that (me included).
> Well, as I said elsewhere, Smalltalk doesn't work like that: code has to be
> lived in the image for most tools to work properly... it doesn't really
> have an "editor of file" mindset, but an "object inspector" mindset.

the interesting thing is that i don't think git is the problem here. a git repo
does not need to have a working tree. smalltalk git tools could read the code
directly from git using git-fast-export and write them with git-fast-import

the effect would be that the working tree is now only in the smalltalk image,
and git would be a pure storage of history. any use of external tools on the
repo would happen on a clone and be pushed into the repo that smalltalk uses.

that would however be a complete break with filetree. (it could still create
compatible structures, it just could not use its code to read and write)

greetings, martin.

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