
That looks like a bug in the FileTree writer ... wiht one method change there should have been only one method property file change ...

Peter and Sean,

If you are interested in contributing code/bugfixes to FileTree, I will welcome pull requests ... As I have mentioned in several posts today, I do not have the time to fiddle with changes to the FileTree format myself, but I welcome contributions.

Damien has started work on an updated version of the FileTree format[2].

I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with the proper tools you can leverage that information..

As I ranted in another post ... changing the disk format is the easy part ... building and maintaining tools for the 4-5 different Smalltalk dialects is a different matter ...


On 04/07/2015 04:38 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but when I see things like this

where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180 additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull requests incredibly messy.

I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to regenerate those files?

Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris < <>> wrote:

    Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
    > Personally I use
    > and never
    > think twice about the properties files ...

    Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on
    GitHub, I've
    been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in
    addition to
    the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that
    without complicating Git?

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