The primary reason that the method properties.json file exists is to
preserve the date and timestamp for monticello ... git doesn't need this
but, to be able to seamlessly copy monticello files from filetree to mcz
and back again without losing data the information has to be stored
somewhere ... a pure git repo does not need this information and it can
be eliminated, but you pay the price of cutting off mcz file
compatibility ... FileTree is agnostic as to the SCM being used ... it
is a disk format ... so it cannot leverage the meta data from git ... if
git is not used to manage the disk ...
I appreciate the fact that folks are coming up with all sorts of ideas
... but there are constraints as to what is done for FileTree ...
FileTree is supposed to be cross platform so changing disk formats is
not as easy as just writing some smalltalk code, unless you want to
write the smalltalk code for the 4 or 5 different Smalltalk dialects
that read/write FileTree ...
Thierry has taken the approach of maintaining compatibility with
FileTree, which is a convenient thing to do ... convenient for all of
the folks that have been using Filetree for the last 3 years and have
been living with the limitations and patiently waiting for folks to
begin adoption ...
the problem with patiently waiting is that I am very busy right now and
I do not have the time to fiddle with FileTree ... I know that a number
of you guys don't care about other platforms and don't care about
backwards compatibility ... but I do and I do not have the free time to
fiddle around with the fad of the moment ...
I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like
Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools
can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
BTW, we had some major email wars several years ago and frankly I don't
have the time to justify decisions that were made 3 years ago every 2
months ....
On 04/07/2015 04:14 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
Personally I use and never
think twice about the properties files ...
Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've
been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in addition to
the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible
without complicating Git?
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