
Well, I never understood that decision but the SushiStore was once removed from the Seaside repository. But it might be stil lavailable here: http://www.squeaksource.com/SeasideExamples.html have a look under Store. It was also used by James Foster while he did his tutorials for Seaside on Gemstone/Glass. So ther emight be a version here.
But I have no idea how outdated they are.

I just remebered the shift centermouse button ui context menu access. (on Windows)
I took these screenshots from a Pharo 4 image:

Click the red menu button and you get:

There you have all the menus to manipulate the look and feel of your morphic. Unfortunately the export to .morp files seems to be no more available in Pharo http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/2236
I wonder if one could introduce a export to Spec ...

I think it would be easy enoug for prototyping to just create a ui with this. The only thing missing would be a menu entry that allows to select events and add according announment symbols... and the receivers...

It is all there for rapid protoyping it seems but is is not hooked up somehow.

20 minutes for a login screen with Spec is not yet competitive but especially if I need to know it first to be able to make it in 20 minutes...
Thank you for the document link. I am already reading it.


Am 12.02.2015 um 10:53 schrieb Johan Fabry:
Some restricted comments inline

On Feb 12, 2015, at 17:15, Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de> wrote:

I think there is most stuff out there in Pharo that is needed to built a nice 
UI with Model interaction.
It took me jsut a few hours to built a nice Glamour based data model browser.
So why do I struggle to built a login view?!
I think this is because Glamour is its own example.... It is implemented in one 
way and there are few distractions.
Glamour is excellent! But only as long as you want to do something that fits 
the overall philosophy of it. That’s the advantages and the disadvantages of a 
domain-specific solution. Spec is a general-purpose solution.

Your login UI should be able to be built in Spec in less than 20 minutes. 
(Supposing it is more or less like a traditional login UI).

What Pharo needs and I do not think that this is a too huge task is.
A clear destiction of M, V and C accomplished by ClassNamingConvertions and 
package sub-division of these.
A browser that just lists all the available basic morphs and their examples
Browse the hierarchy of ComposableModel and you have all the Spec widgets and 
UIs that are in the image.

A sushi store demo according to the current Pharo release.
I don’t know this example, can you give a link to an example app?

A clear documentation what, Spec, Polymorph, Morphic,... are representing and on which 
"layer" they are positioned. OS-Layer, Common-Layer, Layout-Layer, Event-Layer.
Have a look at the Spec book chapter (in progress). It also relates the 
position of Spec with respect to Morphic 


So and now her eis the question that I think needs to be discussed since it is 
the most controversial answered to me.
"Spec or not to Spec?"

I am kidding!
But my current counter is 5 for Spec and 5 against Spec.
I think some rason could be that Spec is misunderstood, or still under 
I can't tell, but  a beginner wants to know:
To answer your BIG QUESTION ;-) Read the book chapter that I linked to above, 
or at least the first few sections, and try to build the login UI with Spec. 
Then you will have better information that can serve to make a choice for or 
against your use of Spec.

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Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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