I had a short look and it seems one needs to either subclass the
GenericAdapter, or configure it upon initializtion.
One will need to add handlers upon resize and maybe even implement some
kind of Form around the polymorph...
but I have no idea if there is something like a form in Spec... I do not
know it enough yet.
Try this and see. It is part of the RewriteRuleBuilder
| morph |
morph := TransformationRule arrowMorph: ActivePolygonMorph.
rotationDegrees: 90;
scale: 0.6;
color: self matchColor;
infoText: self matchLabel;
^ morph asSpecAdapter
On 2015-01-28 12:26 PM, Mark Rizun wrote:
It is in rewrite tool that I'm developing.
You can download it here:
The morph is used, for example, in RewriteRuleBuilder>>#statusBarForMatch
2015-01-28 21:24 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de
Hi Mark,
can you send me an example implementation on this?
I'll try to find a solution that might work for both of us. It is
easier to find the reason with a second reference implementation,
I guess.
Am 28.01.2015 um 07:27 schrieb Mark Rizun:
I have the same problem with PolygonMorph. It does not resize
Also I couldn't find any event related with window resizing.
If you find a solution please let me know.
2015-01-28 16:19 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de
Am 28.01.2015 um 07:07 schrieb Mark Rizun:
First the svg does not resive properly while resizing
the window.
What do you mean by this?
Well, I implemented the example window from spec.st
<http://spec.st> and added a ASVGMorph to it.
When I now resize the window, then the button changes his
size correctly but the svg somhow just seems to be put into
the background.
I then implemented a SVGMorpModel that includes a
ASVGMorpAdapter and adde dthis one to my example window but
the result is that the SVG resizes just half the speed...
How can I also introduce an animated SVG? Like an svg
that changes color during a mouse click?
To work with events that are implemented in
AthensSvgMorph you have to (as far as I know) access this morph.
You can do it by sending #widget message to your model to
times like this:
svgModel widget widget ==> svgMorph
Than morph can handle events like "changes color during a
mouse click".
Are there any particular Models that could be used as a
container for this SVGMorphAdapter?
SVGMorphAdapter is a class that represents a layer betwen
SVGMorph and model of svg in spec.
It allows model and morph to "communicate" with each other.