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Am 28.01.2015 um 07:27 schrieb Mark Rizun:
I have the same problem with PolygonMorph. It does not resize properly.
Also I couldn't find any event related with window resizing.
If you find a solution please let me know.
2015-01-28 16:19 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de
Am 28.01.2015 um 07:07 schrieb Mark Rizun:
First the svg does not resive properly while resizing the window.
What do you mean by this?
Well, I implemented the example window from spec.st
<http://spec.st> and added a ASVGMorph to it.
When I now resize the window, then the button changes his size
correctly but the svg somhow just seems to be put into the background.
I then implemented a SVGMorpModel that includes a ASVGMorpAdapter
and adde dthis one to my example window but the result is that the
SVG resizes just half the speed...
How can I also introduce an animated SVG? Like an svg that
changes color during a mouse click?
To work with events that are implemented in AthensSvgMorph you
have to (as far as I know) access this morph.
You can do it by sending #widget message to your model to times
like this:
svgModel widget widget ==> svgMorph
Than morph can handle events like "changes color during a mouse
Are there any particular Models that could be used as a
container for this SVGMorphAdapter?
SVGMorphAdapter is a class that represents a layer betwen
SVGMorph and model of svg in spec.
It allows model and morph to "communicate" with each other.