I see and appreciate your effort really, but there is no reason to hide NumericalMethods from the book announcement.
I do not know NumericalMethods. I vaguely recall that you were no happy that serge wants to change the code
because it would not be in sync with the book. Now we can co-evolve them.
Every I do is open-source and freely accessible so position yourself and join effort (I do not like SciSmalltalk as a name).
Now we have the possibility to make on nice library but you need to sync.
I am trying to avoid what the Python community did with NumPy and SciPy which is a mess.

Ah you see you have to sync with Serge. I think that Serge was not aware about that you publish the code in your repository. Now we want to rename the acronym (because DHB is not good) and probably improve the code of the library while keeping the book in sync (like using String streamContents for printing). I personally hate to see all the comment with a copyright and a commit dates.



2015-01-28 16:16 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>>:


    This is 8 months that I push didier to release it. I spent my
    week-end to edit it.
    So when you talk about respect use your energy th right way.


    2015-01-28 14:21 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr

        Didier Besset offered his great book "Object-Oriented
        Implementation of Numerical Methods
        An Introduction with Smalltalk and Java" to the community.

        We would like to thank Didier Besset for his great book and
        for his gift of the source and implementation to the community.

    This is indeed, great news.

        You can find
            • Archive of the original book, with code in both Java
        and Smalltalk


            • An abridged version of Didier’s book, without the Java
        implementation and reference; our goal is to make the book
        slimmer and easier to read. The implementation presented in
        this book is part of the SciSmalltalk library.

    The implementation presented in his book is part of the
    NumericalMethods library.

    You want to promote SciSmalltalk, then first respect others.
    NumericalMethods could be part of SciSmalltalk, but it is the
    library where code was originally released.



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