2015-01-28 14:21 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

> Didier Besset offered his great book "Object-Oriented Implementation of
> Numerical Methods
> An Introduction with Smalltalk and Java" to the community.
> We would like to thank Didier Besset for his great book and for his gift
> of the source and implementation to the community.
This is indeed, great news.

> You can find
>     • Archive of the original book, with code in both Java and Smalltalk
> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/ArchiveOONumericalMethods
>  https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/ArchiveOONumericalMethods/
> blob/master/NumericalMethods/2015-Jan-WholeBookST-Java.pdf
>     • An abridged version of Didier’s book, without the Java
> implementation and reference; our goal is to make the book slimmer and
> easier to read. The implementation presented in this book is part of the
> SciSmalltalk library.
The implementation presented in his book is part of the NumericalMethods

You want to promote SciSmalltalk, then first respect others.
NumericalMethods could be part of SciSmalltalk, but it is the library where
code was originally released.



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