De : Pharo-users [] De la part de Hernán Morales Durand Envoyé : jeudi 18 décembre 2014 05:31 À : Any question about pharo is welcome Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] RProjectConnector V1.0
Hi Vincent, Hi, 2014-12-17 6:02 GMT-03:00 Blondeau Vincent <<>>: Hernan, To detect the R installation path is complicated. Yes, I am currently working in a NBWin32Registry so we can do: (NBWin32Registry hKeyLocalMachine at: 'Software\R-core\R') values the reason I didn't committed a solution is I am having ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION with RegEnumValueA apiRegEnumValue: hKey with: dwIndex with: lpValueName with: lpcchValueName with: lpReserved with: lpType with: lpData with: lpcbData " " <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin error: errorCode> ^ self nbCall: #( long RegEnumValueA( HKEY hKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPTSTR lpValueName, LPDWORD lpcchValueName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpType, LPBYTE lpData, LPDWORD lpcbData)) module: 'advapi32.dll' Where is the Windows registry access project? I think that to set the libraries available to download on a server is currently a better idea. Do you know where it can be hosted? An option to upload library files could be but I don't have access to. Foy my configurations I am currently using DropBox although not charming it serves well. But AFAIK you cannot link multiple accounts to one DropBox. There are other reliable options? seems to be a good solution. Vincent Hernán ________________________________ Ce message et les pièces jointes sont confidentiels et réservés à l'usage exclusif de ses destinataires. Il peut également être protégé par le secret professionnel. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur et de le détruire. L'intégrité du message ne pouvant être assurée sur Internet, la responsabilité de Worldline ne pourra être recherchée quant au contenu de ce message. Bien que les meilleurs efforts soient faits pour maintenir cette transmission exempte de tout virus, l'expéditeur ne donne aucune garantie à cet égard et sa responsabilité ne saurait être recherchée pour tout dommage résultant d'un virus transmis. This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Worldline liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavours to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted.