
I agree that it is a problem.

To detect the R installation path is complicated.
Under Windows, you should be able to extract a key in the registry to know 
where the program is installed. Under linux, as there is x64 and x32 R 
versions, and Pharo supports only x32 (but x64 soon), if you have a R x64 you 
should reinstall your whole Linux system to have the right libraries (I tried 
without success…).

I think that to set the libraries available to download on a server is 
currently a better idea. Do you know where it can be hosted?



De : Pharo-users [mailto:pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org] De la part de 
Hernán Morales Durand
Envoyé : mardi 16 décembre 2014 20:05
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] RProjectConnector V1.0

First of all, thank you for publishing such useful package. This is a very 
valuable contribution and I would be glad to contribute to the 
RProjectConnector project. There is one thing which bothers me: Having to 
manually copy the R library files (.dll or .so) is time-consuming and prevents 
unattended installation.

In BioSmalltalk I am currently downloading library files supporting several URI 
locations by using Metacello. This is just adding a line in the #baseline: 

spec preLoadDoIt: #preLoad.

The problem could be incompatibility of versions between the R installed in the 
user's machine and the .dll/.so versions provided by the RProjectConnector. A 
better option is to detect the R installation path and copying the libraries to 
the pharo-vm/ directory. What do you think?



2014-12-08 11:10 GMT-03:00 Blondeau Vincent 
Hello everyone,

I am glad to announce the first version of the RProjectConnector, a binding 
between Pharo and R using NativeBoost.

You can now call directly your R methods from Pharo:
data := (1 to: 1000) collect: #yourself.
res := (#acf asRFunctionWith: {data}) eval

To use it, you should copy the R libraries near the Pharo VM (see the 
documentation on SmalltalkHub to see how to proceed) and

Gofer it

    smalltalkhubUser: 'VincentBlondeau' project: 'RProjectConnector';


Don’t forget to relaunch Pharo after the installation to be able to use the 

The sources are available on Smalltalkhub:

if you want to participate, just ask me!




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