
A few points worth mentioning.

- On Linux, keypad does not work
- for me, the font characters in the bricks are too small
- the robot, has a non transparent white background, I tried to edit it
but the sprite I have is of too low resolution to make something clean
- some tools in the paint dialogue are mostly invisible (see screenshot)
- preview and loading of JPG background does not work (see screenshot
- the file dialog dropdown list arrow is shifted vertically (see
screenshot fileDialog)
- in the file dialogue to load a previously saved project, the author
nor description are displayed (screenshot filedialog project).
- I load the the Arduino add-on, I have a new Arduino category but no brick.


Le 17/10/2014 11:48, jannik laval a écrit :
> hratch 4.0 is out of the box !
> Phratch 4.0 is cleaner, faster and more stable than phratch 3.0.
> After the version 3.0 that was a release for usability and stability,
> phratch 4.0 is released to prepare the future.

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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