Le 21/10/2014 07:07, jannik laval a écrit :
> Could you try phratch and say me what do you expect. 
> Then explain me what is not working.

AS you indicated me, I create an Arduino sprite, then when I click on
the Arduinio block category I have an out of bounds error. See changelog


Dr. Geo - http://drgeo.eu
iStoa - http://istoa.drgeo.eu
SubscriptOutOfBounds: 1
21 October 2014 12:34:20.462161 pm

VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 Dec 26 2013
NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 Dec 26 2013
https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm.git Commit: e698e14f38003258fa49506b14307d83863a5ac1 Date: 2013-12-16 06:32:59 -0800 By: Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> Jenkins build #14780

Image: Pharo3.0 [Latest update: #30847]

	Receiver: #()
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		index: 	1
	Receiver's instance variables: 

	Receiver: #()
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		index: 	1
	Receiver's instance variables: 

	Receiver: #()
	Arguments and temporary variables: 

	Receiver's instance variables: 

	Receiver: a ChoiceArgMorph(464519168)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		stringList: 	#()
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (23@13)
		owner: 	nil
		submorphs: 	an Array(an ImageMorph(912523264) a StringMorph(552075264)'a')
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	Color brown
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (533463040)
		borderWidth: 	1
		borderColor: 	#inset
		labelMorph: 	a StringMorph(552075264)'a'
		implicitValue: 	nil
		menuIconMorph: 	an ImageMorph(912523264)
		options: 	#()
		choice: 	#a
		getOptionsSelector: 	nil

	Receiver: a PhratchType
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		list: 	#()
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		receiver: 	nil

	Receiver: a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		specString: 	'$ComList$'
		code: 	'ComList'
		allPragmas: 	an Array(<phratchType: #AllPins> <phratchType: #AnalogPins> <phratc...etc...
		prag: 	<phratchType: #ComList>
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (50@40)
		owner: 	nil
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (797442048) [other:  (formerPosition -> (0@0))]
		isSpecialForm: 	false
		highlightColor1: 	nil
		shadowColor: 	nil
		hadError: 	false
		blockLayoutNeeded: 	true
		lastLayoutTime: 	0
		originalColor: 	nil
		phratchProc: 	nil
		commandSpec: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
		argPermutation: 	#(1 2)
		argMorphs: 	an OrderedCollection(a ChoiceArgMorph(805830656))
		titleMorph: 	nil
		receiver: 	nil
		selector: 	#connect:to:
		isTimed: 	false
		numberArgFlags: 	nil
		key: 	nil
		stopFrame: 	nil

	Receiver: a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		specString: 	'$ComList$'
		m: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (50@40)
		owner: 	nil
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (797442048) [other:  (formerPosition -> (0@0))]
		isSpecialForm: 	false
		highlightColor1: 	nil
		shadowColor: 	nil
		hadError: 	false
		blockLayoutNeeded: 	true
		lastLayoutTime: 	0
		originalColor: 	nil
		phratchProc: 	nil
		commandSpec: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
		argPermutation: 	#(1 2)
		argMorphs: 	an OrderedCollection(a ChoiceArgMorph(805830656))
		titleMorph: 	nil
		receiver: 	nil
		selector: 	#connect:to:
		isTimed: 	false
		numberArgFlags: 	nil
		key: 	nil
		stopFrame: 	nil

	Receiver: a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		slot: 	nil
		nextArgIndex: 	nil
		m: 	nil
		tokens: 	#('connect' '$BoardTypes$' 'port' '$ComList$')
		args: 	#('$BoardTypes$' '$ComList$')
		next: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (50@40)
		owner: 	nil
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (797442048) [other:  (formerPosition -> (0@0))]
		isSpecialForm: 	false
		highlightColor1: 	nil
		shadowColor: 	nil
		hadError: 	false
		blockLayoutNeeded: 	true
		lastLayoutTime: 	0
		originalColor: 	nil
		phratchProc: 	nil
		commandSpec: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
		argPermutation: 	#(1 2)
		argMorphs: 	an OrderedCollection(a ChoiceArgMorph(805830656))
		titleMorph: 	nil
		receiver: 	nil
		selector: 	#connect:to:
		isTimed: 	false
		numberArgFlags: 	nil
		key: 	nil
		stopFrame: 	nil

	Receiver: a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aString: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (50@40)
		owner: 	nil
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (797442048) [other:  (formerPosition -> (0@0))]
		isSpecialForm: 	false
		highlightColor1: 	nil
		shadowColor: 	nil
		hadError: 	false
		blockLayoutNeeded: 	true
		lastLayoutTime: 	0
		originalColor: 	nil
		phratchProc: 	nil
		commandSpec: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
		argPermutation: 	#(1 2)
		argMorphs: 	an OrderedCollection(a ChoiceArgMorph(805830656))
		titleMorph: 	nil
		receiver: 	nil
		selector: 	#connect:to:
		isTimed: 	false
		numberArgFlags: 	nil
		key: 	nil
		stopFrame: 	nil

CommandNoMouse class(BlockMorph class)>>initBlock:on:withSpec:color:
	Receiver: CommandNoMouse
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aBlock: 	a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
		aScriptablePhratchMorph: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		spec: 	#('connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$' #CommandNoMouse #connect:to: #())...etc...
		blockColor: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		blockLabelSpec: 	'connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$'
		argPermutation: 	#(1 2)
		selector: 	#connect:to:
		defaultArgs: 	#()
		rcvr: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		superclass: 	CommandBlockMorph
		methodDict: 	a MethodDictionary(#click:->CommandNoMouse>>#click: )
		format: 	178
		layout: 	a FixedLayout
		instanceVariables: 	#()
		organization: 	a ClassOrganization
		subclasses: 	nil
		name: 	#CommandNoMouse
		classPool: 	a Dictionary()
		sharedPools: 	an OrderedCollection()
		environment: 	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
		category: 	#'Phratch-Blocks'
		traitComposition: 	{}
		localSelectors: 	nil
		announcer: 	nil

	Receiver: a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		spec: 	#('connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$' #CommandNoMouse #connect:to: #())...etc...
		blockColor: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		blockType: 	#CommandNoMouse
		block: 	a CommandNoMouse(767033344)
		special: 	#()
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchStageMorph(198967296)
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		color: 	Color blue
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (580648960)
		objName: 	'Arduino'
		vars: 	a Dictionary()
		lists: 	a Dictionary()
		blocksBin: 	a PhratchScriptsMorph(650641408)
		isClone: 	false
		media: 	an OrderedCollection(board [image])
		costume: 	board [image]
		costumeChangeMSecs: 	669129
		filterPack: 	nil
		visibility: 	100
		volume: 	100
		sceneStates: 	a Dictionary()
		customBlocks: 	nil
		deletedAttributes: 	a Set()
		colors: 	a Dictionary()
		phratchModel: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		scalePoint: 	(1.0@1.0)
		rotationDegrees: 	0.0
		rotationStyle: 	#normal
		rotatedForm: 	Form(50x50x32)
		offsetWhenRotated: 	(25@25)
		draggable: 	false
		penDown: 	false
		penSize: 	1
		penColor: 	Color blue
		penHue: 	133.33333333333334
		penShade: 	50.0
		subsprites: 	an OrderedCollection()
		ownerSprite: 	nil
		offset: 	nil
		virtualScale: 	100
		rotateWithOwner: 	nil
		refPos: 	nil
		prototype: 	nil
		arduinoBoard: 	an Arduino

[ :spec | 
(spec isString and: [ spec ~= #- and: [ spec ~= #~ and: [ spec ~= #= ] ] ])
	ifTrue: [ category := spec ]
	ifFalse: [ 
		category = aCategory
			ifTrue: [ 
				#=} includes: spec)
					ifTrue: [ blocksList addLast: spec ]
					ifFalse: [ (b := self blockFromSpec: spec color: blockColor) ifNotNil: [ blocksList addLast: b ] ] ] ] ] in PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(ScriptablePhratchMorph)>>blocksFor:
	Receiver: a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aCategory: 	'arduino'
		blockColor: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		blocksList: 	an OrderedCollection(a BooleanWatcherBlockMorph(553123840))
		cdefs: 	nil
		inherited: 	nil
		all: 	nil
		spec: 	#('connect $BoardTypes$ port $ComList$' #CommandNoMouse #connect:to: #())...etc...
		b: 	a BooleanWatcherBlockMorph(553123840)
		category: 	'arduino'
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchStageMorph(198967296)
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		color: 	Color blue
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (580648960)
		objName: 	'Arduino'
		vars: 	a Dictionary()
		lists: 	a Dictionary()
		blocksBin: 	a PhratchScriptsMorph(650641408)
		isClone: 	false
		media: 	an OrderedCollection(board [image])
		costume: 	board [image]
		costumeChangeMSecs: 	669129
		filterPack: 	nil
		visibility: 	100
		volume: 	100
		sceneStates: 	a Dictionary()
		customBlocks: 	nil
		deletedAttributes: 	a Set()
		colors: 	a Dictionary()
		phratchModel: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		scalePoint: 	(1.0@1.0)
		rotationDegrees: 	0.0
		rotationStyle: 	#normal
		rotatedForm: 	Form(50x50x32)
		offsetWhenRotated: 	(25@25)
		draggable: 	false
		penDown: 	false
		penSize: 	1
		penColor: 	Color blue
		penHue: 	133.33333333333334
		penShade: 	50.0
		subsprites: 	an OrderedCollection()
		ownerSprite: 	nil
		offset: 	nil
		virtualScale: 	100
		rotateWithOwner: 	nil
		refPos: 	nil
		prototype: 	nil
		arduinoBoard: 	an Arduino

	Receiver: #('control' #('when $Sprite$ clicked' #StartEventHatMorph #whenFlagClicked #()) #('when $K...etc...
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aBlock: 	[ :spec | 
(spec isString and: [ spec ~= #- and: [ spec ~= #~ and: [ sp...etc...
		index: 	314
	Receiver's instance variables: 
#('control' #('when $Sprite$ clicked' #StartEventHatMorph #whenFlagClicked #()) #('when $K...etc...

	Receiver: a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		b: 	a BooleanWatcherBlockMorph(553123840)
		category: 	'arduino'
		aCategory: 	'arduino'
		blockColor: 	(Color r: 0.012 g: 0.62 b: 0.639 alpha: 1.0)
		blocksList: 	an OrderedCollection(a BooleanWatcherBlockMorph(553123840))
		cdefs: 	nil
		inherited: 	nil
		all: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchStageMorph(198967296)
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		color: 	Color blue
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (580648960)
		objName: 	'Arduino'
		vars: 	a Dictionary()
		lists: 	a Dictionary()
		blocksBin: 	a PhratchScriptsMorph(650641408)
		isClone: 	false
		media: 	an OrderedCollection(board [image])
		costume: 	board [image]
		costumeChangeMSecs: 	669129
		filterPack: 	nil
		visibility: 	100
		volume: 	100
		sceneStates: 	a Dictionary()
		customBlocks: 	nil
		deletedAttributes: 	a Set()
		colors: 	a Dictionary()
		phratchModel: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		scalePoint: 	(1.0@1.0)
		rotationDegrees: 	0.0
		rotationStyle: 	#normal
		rotatedForm: 	Form(50x50x32)
		offsetWhenRotated: 	(25@25)
		draggable: 	false
		penDown: 	false
		penSize: 	1
		penColor: 	Color blue
		penHue: 	133.33333333333334
		penShade: 	50.0
		subsprites: 	an OrderedCollection()
		ownerSprite: 	nil
		offset: 	nil
		virtualScale: 	100
		rotateWithOwner: 	nil
		refPos: 	nil
		prototype: 	nil
		arduinoBoard: 	an Arduino

PhratchCategoryArduino class(PhratchCategory class)>>viewerPageFor:
	Receiver: PhratchCategoryArduino
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		y: 	10
		aScriptablePhratchMorph: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		bin: 	a PhratchBlockPaletteMorph(737935360)
		x: 	12
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		superclass: 	PhratchCategory
		methodDict: 	a MethodDictionary()
		format: 	2
		layout: 	a FixedLayout
		instanceVariables: 	#()
		organization: 	a ClassOrganization
		subclasses: 	nil
		name: 	#PhratchCategoryArduino
		classPool: 	a Dictionary()
		sharedPools: 	an OrderedCollection()
		environment: 	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
		category: 	#PhratchArduino
		traitComposition: 	{}
		localSelectors: 	nil
		visible: 	true

	Receiver: a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aCategoryName: 	'arduino'
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchStageMorph(198967296)
		submorphs: 	#()
		fullBounds: 	(1065.0@232.0) corner: (1115.0@282.0)
		color: 	Color blue
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (580648960)
		objName: 	'Arduino'
		vars: 	a Dictionary()
		lists: 	a Dictionary()
		blocksBin: 	a PhratchScriptsMorph(650641408)
		isClone: 	false
		media: 	an OrderedCollection(board [image])
		costume: 	board [image]
		costumeChangeMSecs: 	669129
		filterPack: 	nil
		visibility: 	100
		volume: 	100
		sceneStates: 	a Dictionary()
		customBlocks: 	nil
		deletedAttributes: 	a Set()
		colors: 	a Dictionary()
		phratchModel: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		scalePoint: 	(1.0@1.0)
		rotationDegrees: 	0.0
		rotationStyle: 	#normal
		rotatedForm: 	Form(50x50x32)
		offsetWhenRotated: 	(25@25)
		draggable: 	false
		penDown: 	false
		penSize: 	1
		penColor: 	Color blue
		penHue: 	133.33333333333334
		penShade: 	50.0
		subsprites: 	an OrderedCollection()
		ownerSprite: 	nil
		offset: 	nil
		virtualScale: 	100
		rotateWithOwner: 	nil
		refPos: 	nil
		prototype: 	nil
		arduinoBoard: 	an Arduino

	Receiver: a PhratchViewerMorph(569901056)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		p: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0.0@40.0) corner: (212.0@768.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ResizableToggleButton(460587008) a ResizableToggleButton(...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		color: 	(Color r: 0.584 g: 0.603 b: 0.623 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	nil
		frameInFront: 	true
		topLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		leftEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		rightEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		bottomEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		myBox: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		edgeCache: 	an Array(Form(22x674x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(22x674...etc...
		topSectionHeight: 	153
		middleBarForm: 	Form(20x11x32)
		leftJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		rightJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		leftMargin: 	5
		rightMargin: 	0
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		pageViewer: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(826802176)
		currentCategory: 	'arduino'
		catButtonsExtent: 	(195@157)

	Receiver: a PhratchViewerMorph(569901056)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aString: 	'arduino'
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0.0@40.0) corner: (212.0@768.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ResizableToggleButton(460587008) a ResizableToggleButton(...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		color: 	(Color r: 0.584 g: 0.603 b: 0.623 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	nil
		frameInFront: 	true
		topLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		leftEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		rightEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		bottomEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		myBox: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		edgeCache: 	an Array(Form(22x674x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(22x674...etc...
		topSectionHeight: 	153
		middleBarForm: 	Form(20x11x32)
		leftJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		rightJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		leftMargin: 	5
		rightMargin: 	0
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		pageViewer: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(826802176)
		currentCategory: 	'arduino'
		catButtonsExtent: 	(195@157)

	Receiver: a PhratchViewerMorph(569901056)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aPhratchObject: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		categories: 	#('control' 'custom' 'none' 'operators' 'other' 'variables' 'colors...etc...
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0.0@40.0) corner: (212.0@768.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ResizableToggleButton(460587008) a ResizableToggleButton(...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		color: 	(Color r: 0.584 g: 0.603 b: 0.623 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	nil
		frameInFront: 	true
		topLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomLeftForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		bottomRightForm: 	Form(22x27x32)
		topEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		leftEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		rightEdgeForm: 	Form(22x1x32)
		bottomEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		myBox: 	(0@40) corner: (212@768)
		edgeCache: 	an Array(Form(22x674x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(168x27x32) Form(22x674...etc...
		topSectionHeight: 	153
		middleBarForm: 	Form(20x11x32)
		leftJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		rightJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		leftMargin: 	5
		rightMargin: 	0
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		pageViewer: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(826802176)
		currentCategory: 	'arduino'
		catButtonsExtent: 	(195@157)

	Receiver: a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		evt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		duplicate: 	nil
		frame: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(969.0@492.0) corner: (1023.0@556.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ToggleButton(104595456) a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(969@492) corner: (1023@556)
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (949747712) [other:  (balloonText -> 'Arduino (Scri...etc...
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		thumbnailMorph: 	an ImageMorph(982253568)
		nameMorph: 	a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'
		isSelected: 	true
		rolloverOn: 	false
		lastUpdateMSecs: 	669129
		highlightForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		currentForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		thumbWidth: 	50
		rolloverForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(953942016)
		rotationToggleMorph: 	a ToggleButton(104595456)

	Receiver: a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(969.0@492.0) corner: (1023.0@556.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ToggleButton(104595456) a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(969@492) corner: (1023@556)
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (949747712) [other:  (balloonText -> 'Arduino (Scri...etc...
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		thumbnailMorph: 	an ImageMorph(982253568)
		nameMorph: 	a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'
		isSelected: 	true
		rolloverOn: 	false
		lastUpdateMSecs: 	669129
		highlightForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		currentForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		thumbWidth: 	50
		rolloverForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(953942016)
		rotationToggleMorph: 	a ToggleButton(104595456)

	Receiver: [(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anObject: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		timeStamp: 	710051
		source: 	a HandMorph(760479744)
		windowIndex: 	nil
		type: 	#mouseDown
		buttons: 	4
		position: 	(988@526)
		handler: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
		wasHandled: 	true
		whichButton: 	4

	Receiver: a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(969.0@492.0) corner: (1023.0@556.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ToggleButton(104595456) a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(969@492) corner: (1023@556)
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (949747712) [other:  (balloonText -> 'Arduino (Scri...etc...
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		thumbnailMorph: 	an ImageMorph(982253568)
		nameMorph: 	a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'
		isSelected: 	true
		rolloverOn: 	false
		lastUpdateMSecs: 	669129
		highlightForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		currentForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		thumbWidth: 	50
		rolloverForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(953942016)
		rotationToggleMorph: 	a ToggleButton(104595456)

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	5
		child: 	an ImageMorph(982253568)
		morphs: 	an Array(a ToggleButton(104595456) a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino' an...etc...
		handler: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
		inside: 	false
		lastHandler: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		defaultDispatcher: 	a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(969.0@492.0) corner: (1023.0@556.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a ToggleButton(104595456) a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(969@492) corner: (1023@556)
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (949747712) [other:  (balloonText -> 'Arduino (Scri...etc...
		target: 	a PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(594280448)
		thumbnailMorph: 	an ImageMorph(982253568)
		nameMorph: 	a StringMorph(405536768)'Arduino'
		isSelected: 	true
		rolloverOn: 	false
		lastUpdateMSecs: 	669129
		highlightForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		currentForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(559677440)
		thumbWidth: 	50
		rolloverForm: 	an ImageFrameMorph(953942016)
		rotationToggleMorph: 	a ToggleButton(104595456)

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	2
		child: 	a LibraryItemMorph(921174016)
		morphs: 	an Array(a LibraryItemMorph(88866816) a LibraryItemMorph(921174016))
		handler: 	nil
		inside: 	nil
		lastHandler: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		defaultDispatcher: 	a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(907.0@485.0) corner: (1340.0@771.0)
		owner: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a LibraryItemMorph(88866816) a LibraryItemMorph(921174016))...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(907@485) corner: (1340@771)
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (306970624)
		borderWidth: 	0
		borderColor: 	Color black

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	1
		child: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		morphs: 	an Array(a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480))
		handler: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
		inside: 	nil
		lastHandler: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		defaultDispatcher: 	a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(907.0@485.0) corner: (1340.0@771.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480))
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (471334912)
		borderWidth: 	0
		borderColor: 	Color black
		scrollBarStartInset: 	10
		scrollBarEndInset: 	14
		dragOffset: 	nil
		contents: 	a PhratchSpriteLibraryMorph(273940480)
		hScrollbar: 	a PhratchScrollBar(538443776)
		vScrollbar: 	a PhratchScrollBar(874774528)
		cornerMorph: 	a BorderedMorph(133169152)
		hbarInset: 	30
		vbarInset: 	25
		contentsChanged: 	false
		growthFraction: 	0.6

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	4
		child: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
		morphs: 	an Array(a Morph(716439552) a StringMorph(838598656)'New sprite:' a Mor...etc...
		handler: 	nil
		inside: 	nil
		lastHandler: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		defaultDispatcher: 	a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(846.0@442.0) corner: (1340.0@768.0)
		owner: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a Morph(716439552) a StringMorph(838598656)'New sprite:' a ...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(846@442) corner: (1340@811)
		color: 	(Color r: 0.42 g: 0.42 b: 0.42 alpha: 1.0)
		extension: 	nil
		frameInFront: 	true
		topLeftForm: 	Form(21x27x32)
		topRightForm: 	Form(21x27x32)
		bottomLeftForm: 	Form(21x27x32)
		bottomRightForm: 	Form(21x27x32)
		topEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		leftEdgeForm: 	Form(21x1x32)
		rightEdgeForm: 	Form(21x1x32)
		bottomEdgeForm: 	Form(1x27x32)
		myBox: 	(846@442) corner: (1340@768)
		edgeCache: 	an Array(Form(21x272x32) Form(452x27x32) Form(452x27x32) Form(21x272...etc...
		topSectionHeight: 	40
		middleBarForm: 	Form(20x11x32)
		leftJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		rightJointForm: 	Form(12x11x32)
		leftMargin: 	0
		rightMargin: 	6
		scrollPane: 	a ScrollFrameMorph(339738624)
		stagePane: 	a Morph(100925440)
		itemExtent: 	(54@64)
		spritePane: 	a Morph(896794624)
		buttonPane: 	a Morph(716439552)
		spriteLabel: 	a StringMorph(838598656)'New sprite:'

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	5
		child: 	a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
		morphs: 	an Array(an ImageFrameMorph(581697536) an AlignmentMorph(541065216) an ...etc...
		handler: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		inside: 	nil
		lastHandler: 	a WorldMorph(511705088) [world]
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

	Receiver: a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		defaultDispatcher: 	a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (1340@768)
		owner: 	a WorldMorph(511705088) [world]
		submorphs: 	an Array(an ImageFrameMorph(581697536) an AlignmentMorph(541065216) ...etc...
		fullBounds: 	(0@0) corner: (1340@811)
		color: 	Color blue
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (392691712) [sticky]  [other:  (stopAllButton -> a ...etc...
		pauseButton: 	a ToggleButton(688390144)
		blockEditors: 	a Set()
		topPane: 	an ImageFrameMorph(982777856)
		viewerPane: 	a PhratchViewerMorph(569901056)
		scriptsPane: 	a PhratchScriptEditorMorph(384565248)
		stageFrame: 	an ImageFrameMorph(904134656)
		workPane: 	a PhratchStageMorph(198967296)
		titlePane: 	an ImageFrameMorph(913309696)
		libraryPane: 	a PhratchLibraryMorph(548143104)
		menuPanel: 	an AlignmentMorph(734527488)
		stageButtonsPanel: 	an AlignmentMorph(570949632)
		readoutPane: 	an ImageFrameMorph(581697536)
		logoMorph: 	a SketchMorph(111149056)
		projectTitleMorph: 	a StringMorph(697827328)'default'
		flagButton: 	a ToggleButton(274464768)
		fillScreenFlag: 	true
		paintingInProgress: 	false
		projectDirectory: 	File @ /home/hilaire/Documents/Phratch Projects
		projectName: 	'default.phr'
		projectInfo: 	a Dictionary('history'->'2014-10-21 12:30:33.772163	save	default	
		author: 	''
		watcherPositions: 	a Dictionary()
		shuffledCostumeNames: 	nil
		justSaved: 	false
		viewModeButtons: 	an OrderedCollection(a ToggleButton(682098688) a ToggleButton(...etc...
		viewMode: 	#normal
		lastViewMode: 	nil
		viewModeButtonsPanel: 	an AlignmentMorph(541065216)
		toolbarPanel: 	an AlignmentMorph(167510016)
		currentProcessToRun: 	0
		previousProcessToRun: 	0

	Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		anEvent: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		aMorph: 	a WorldMorph(511705088) [world]
		globalPt: 	(988@526)
		localEvt: 	[(988@526) mouseDown red 710051 nil]
		index: 	2
		child: 	a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968)
		morphs: 	an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a PhratchFrameMorph(942931968))
		handler: 	a WorldMorph(511705088) [world]
		inside: 	nil
		lastHandler: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		lastType: 	#mouseDown
		lastDispatch: 	#dispatchMouseDown:with:

--- The full stack ---
CommandNoMouse class(BlockMorph class)>>initBlock:on:withSpec:color:
[ :spec | 
(spec isString and: [ spec ~= #- and: [ spec ~= #~ and: [ spec ~= #= ] ] ])
	ifTrue: [ category := spec ]
	ifFalse: [ 
		category = aCategory
			ifTrue: [ 
				#=} includes: spec)
					ifTrue: [ blocksList addLast: spec ]
					ifFalse: [ (b := self blockFromSpec: spec color: blockColor) ifNotNil: [ blocksList addLast: b ] ] ] ] ] in PhratchSpriteArduinoMorph(ScriptablePhratchMorph)>>blocksFor:
PhratchCategoryArduino class(PhratchCategory class)>>viewerPageFor:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
			- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ :h | 
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil ] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
World doOneCycle.
Processor yield.
false ] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess
self value.
Processor terminateActive ] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

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