Phratch 4.0 is out of the box ! Phratch 4.0 is cleaner, faster and more stable than phratch 3.0.
After the version 3.0 that was a release for usability and stability, phratch 4.0 is released to prepare the future. The new features are: - phratch is more modular, eg having a kernel and lots of addons. - cleaning a lot the source code - customizable environment - each block can be made visible or invisible - each category can be made visible or invisible - it is possible to add translation for addons with the pragma <phratchTranslation: ‘fr’> in the class PhratchTranslator. This make the translation more modular. - first integration of phratch with the pharo environment. Using the pragma at the class side of any class in Pharo make the class visible and usable in phratch. - There is a lot of things to do with phratch, you are welcome to contribute ! The documentation for new features will arrive soon. See you on -- ~~Jannik Laval~~ École des Mines de Douai Enseignant-chercheur