Welcome back! Doru
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in> wrote: > hello all, > > i had to do it. > after listening to everybody's comments about my questions to the list, i > went out and checked on the current state of squeak and self. > > looks like squeak and self definitely need a lot of attention from > experienced developers and visionaries. > > since i don't fall squarely in either category, it would be best to work > with pharo. > > also, as someone had mentioned, almost all smalltalk systems have diverged > too much from the st-80 specification, so why not go for pharo which is so > highly polished already and is being constantly improved! > > so here i am, back in pharo land. > > ~mayuresh > > > -- www.tudorgirba.com "Every thing has its own flow"