it all comes down to what you want. You are not obliged to even use
Smalltalk in the first place, what matter is what you want to do ? What
project you have in mind ? what are your goals ? how you want to achieve
them ? etc

Pharo comes with its own set of problems and flaws like any other language
out there, by trying it out you will find yourself if it can fit your

In any case welcome back, Pharoers have worked hard to push smalltalk
forward and they are very active and helpful. On other hand Pharo would not
even exist if Squeak did not exist so you could say "Pharo is built on
shoulder of giants" ;)

For me Pharo has a long way to go before I call it "polished" but no doubt
its getting there and is a fascinating project.

As Heraclitus said "Everything moves"

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <> wrote:

> hello all,
> i had to do it.
> after listening to everybody's comments about my questions to the list, i
> went out and checked on the current state of squeak and self.
> looks like squeak and self definitely need a lot of attention from
> experienced developers and visionaries.
> since i don't fall squarely in either category, it would be best to work
> with pharo.
> also, as someone had mentioned, almost all smalltalk systems have diverged
> too much from the st-80 specification, so why not go for pharo which is so
> highly polished already and is being constantly improved!
> so here i am, back in pharo land.
> ~mayuresh

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