We are passionate people with strong opinions. We have to be, otherwise we 
would not be spending our time on this language which is not ‘normal’. 
Sometimes this causes disagreements. Sometimes these disagreements cannot be 
resolved. When the latter happens, this is a sad thing.

I am not interested in judging, determining who was ‘right’ and who was 
‘wrong’. From his/her point of view everybody is ‘right’ (at least to a high 
degree). I just want to do what, for me, is the best for the overall project. I 
may be ‘wrong’, but I do not know any better. I’m just another guy, you know? 

All of the above being said, for me, the best action is to give my little bit 
of support to the version of Spec that is in the Pharo distribution because I 
think that this is the best for the project. I would like to keep working on 
the documentation and improving it. Specifically I mean the version that Stef 
linked to below as it corresponds to what’s in Pharo. I have had some ideas 
about missing content as well. So when stuff calms down, let’s sync and work on 
further improving the documentation.

On Sep 10, 2014, at 3:45 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hello andy 
>     I'm sorry about this story. The pharo board (Tudor Girba, Sven van 
> Cackenberghe, Esteban Lorenzano, Marcus Denker and me) 
>      will react officially this is problem. I'm in the board but I do not 
> want that people think that I'm trying any action that would 
>     be about personal nature, especially since I personally supported a lot 
> Benjamin during all these years - and I do not understand 
>     his sudden action. Now since this is out of my reach, I prefer to focus 
> on making Pharo better and I'm working on that actively :)
>     I decided as one of Pharo founder to follow the board and let them handle 
> this situation. I decided that I will not influence nor act
>     because I prefer to be in positive mindset and push Pharo further.
>     The board told me that they will clarify the situation, especially since 
> there are actions that were not correct. 
>      I'm waiting as you for an official statement from the board, and I know 
> that it will come and be really clear.
>     As you can imagine the board wants to do it right and settle it as an 
> example for any future frameworks or part (Zinc, Glamour, Athens, TxText, 
> ...) 
>     that (will) compose Pharo. 
>     We are setting an industrial consortium to push Pharo for real (As you 
> can see in the reporthttp://consortium.pharo.org/web?_s=DiSVVVKk3sFm2ouZ
>     Inria put 300 K euros not counting the salary of the permanent members of 
> our team) and rules should be clear and followed. 
>     Now the GPL license does not apply to the version of Spec that is 
> available in the Pharo distribution since it is MIT from the beginning
>     and it will stay forever as it. We did not fork it. We are actively 
> improving Spec. Some clean ups got already integrated and others are pending. 
>     We will maintain and improve the Spec documentation too. For example we 
> will probably add the part 
>     written by Stefan Eggermont that was submitted but never integrated. I'm 
> waiting just to avoid adding to the confusion. 
>     You can find a version of the Spec documentation as part of the next book:
> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Spec/Spec.pier.pdf
>     It may be not fully in par with the github repo but we will sync with 
> Johan Fabry too in the future. 

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Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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