yes he is correct I see it too her using Google Chrome. Same problem as
Andy describes it

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

>  Andy Burnett wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am posting here, because I couldn't find a Spec specific list.
> Two things:
>    1. The colour scheme for all the code examples on the site seems to
>    have gone very odd. The text is now a light blue/green on a white
>    background. Almost completely illegible. Has someone changed a css file?
> Do have have a specific url?
> looks fine to me.
>    1. I noticed in the news section that the license has changed to GPL,
>    because of a disagreement with the direction of Pharo.  Could someone
>    explain what the disagreement was, and whether this is something we should
>    be concerned about?
> Cheers
>  Andy
> ᐧ
> It has not been explained beyond it being mostly a personality clash.
> There was some final technical issue that went against some existing
> Smalltalk conventions, but there was not much discussion brought to the
> community on that conflict.  Note the Spec code already in Pharo is MIT
> licensed, so there is no concern about that.  I guess in a way it shows how
> the MIT is more-free than the GPL, that such can occur.  Of course, the
> reverse cannot.
> I would be concerned about loading external-Spec into a Pharo based
> project. Although the new dual license seems written to allow parties other
> than Pharo to use external-Spec in a non-GPL project, the implications of
> how that might contaminate a Pharo based project is not clear.  Also I
> guess discussion of external-Spec probably won't proceed on this list, so
> until I see news of a separate Spec mailing list to collaborate with users
> and other developers, it would seem that developer has struck out on his
> own.  Pharo-internal-Spec will continue development here under the MIT
> license.
> cheers -ben

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