Am 24.07.2014 um 16:42 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <>:

> On 24 Jul 2014, at 16:34, wrote:
>> One question I have is how fast the load of an image and processing by an 
>> image is when compared with bash.
> Obviously, it is slower, there is a whole image that needs to be loaded, etc.
> $ cat 
> #!/Users/sven/tmp/pharo4/pharo-vm/ --headless 
> /Users/sven/tmp/pharo4/Pharo.image st --quit
> FileStream stdout nextPutAll: 42 factorial asString; cr.
> $ time ./ 
> 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000
> real    0m0.644s
> user    0m0.516s
> sys     0m0.067s
> So about half a second overhead.
That#s what I meant

pixelflux:cmdline norbert$ time ./
#('--quit' './')

real    0m0.414s
user    0m0.284s
sys     0m0.054s

Then I just opened the image executed "ImageCleaner cleanupForProduction" and 

pixelflux:cmdline norbert$ time ./
#('--quit' './')

real    0m0.338s
user    0m0.225s
sys     0m0.051s

If it is an issue at all this is easy to mitigate. A real test would include a 
complexer scenario where other files are loaded and this way others would be in 
the same range as pharo I guess.


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