On 2014-08-18 13:27:07 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I still like the idea of providing something comparable to
> MemoryContextStats, rather than creating a SQL interface.  The problem
> with a SQL interface is you can't interrogate it unless (1) you are not
> already inside a query and (2) the client is interactive and under your
> control.  Something you can call easily from gdb is likely to be much
> more useful in practice.

That might be true in some cases, but in many cases interfaces that can
only be used via gdb *SUCK*. A good reason to use the interface proposed
here is to investigate which extensions are allocating how much shared
memory. A pretty normal question to ask as a sysadmin/DBA. And DBA type
of stuff should never have to involve gdb.


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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