On Oct 20, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:

> So, the idea is that $(EXTENSION) is a list of extensions you're
> providing from the Makefile (most often, a list of one extension, but
> contrib/spi is an exception here). Each extension in the list must have
> a corresponding $EXTENSION.control file.
> This control file contains at minimum a single line for the name of the
> extension, but it's better already with a comment for users. I've been
> filling them for our extensions, pasting from the documentation:

Might I suggest instead a META.json file like PGXN requires? Here's a simple 

   "name": "pair",
   "abstract": "A key/value pair data type",
   "version": "0.1.0",
   "maintainer": "David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com>",
   "license": "postgresql",

They can have a lot more information, too. Her's the one I actually shipped 
with pair:


The meta spec is here:


Anyway, the point is that it might be useful for us to sync on this format. I 
went with JSON for a few reasons:

* CPAN is switching to it (from YAML)
* It's extremely widespread
* It's useful for ac-hoc REST-style requests
* The format will likely be in 9.1.


BTW, really excited that you're finally getting EXTENSION done, Dim. This is 
going to be *great* for PostgreSQL developers. I'll have to work it into my 
talk at West.




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