On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 11:54 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:

> > Or, we just leave the current infrastructure in place and use a new one
> > for all new messages going forward. We shouldn't limit our ability to
> > have a decent system due to decisions of the past.
> -1.  What's the point of having archives?  IMO the mailing list archives
> are nearly as critical a piece of the project infrastructure as the CVS
> repository.  We've already established that moving to a new SCM that
> fails to preserve the CVS history wouldn't be acceptable.  I hardly
> think that the bar is any lower for mailing list archives.
> Now I think we could possibly skip the requirement suggested above for
> URL compatibility, if we just leave the old archives on-line so that
> those URLs all still resolve.  But if we can't load all the old messages
> into the new infrastructure, it'll basically be useless for searching
> purposes.
> (Hmm, re-reading what you said, maybe we are suggesting the same thing,
> but it's not clear.  Anyway my point is that Dave's first two
> requirements are real.  Only the third might not be.)

We are saying the same thing. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Joshua D. Drake

>                       regards, tom lane

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