Dave Page <dp...@pgadmin.org> writes:
> 2010/1/12 Matteo Beccati <p...@beccati.com>:
>> So, I've decided to spend a bit more time on this and here is a proof of 
>> concept web app that displays mailing list archives reading from the AOX 
>> database:
>> http://archives.beccati.org/
> Seems to work.

Hehe, nice a beginning!

> So just to put this into perspective and give anyone paying attention
> an idea of the pain that lies ahead should they decide to work on
> this:
> - We need to import the old archives (of which there are hundreds of
> thousands of messages, the first few years of which have, umm, minimal
> headers.

Anyone having a local copy of this in his mailboxes? At some point there
were some NNTP gateway, so maybe there's a copy this way.

> - We need to generate thread indexes

We have CTEs :)

> - We need to re-generate the original URLs for backwards compatibility

I guess the message-id one ain't the tricky one... and it should be
possible to fill a relation table like
  monharc_compat(message_id, list, year, month, message_number);

Then we'd need some help from the webserver (rewrite rules I guess) so
that the current URL is transformed to call a catch-all script:
-> http://archives.postgresql.org/compat.php?l=xxx&y=YYYY&m=MM&n=01234

In that compat.php script you then issue the following query or the like
to get the message_id, then use the newer infrastructure to get to
display it:

  SELECT message_id 
    FROM monharc_compat 
   WHERE list = ? and year = ? and month = ? and message_number = ?;


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