On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
>> ... (and many of the more
>> significant remaining patches look like they are right up Tom's alley
>> anyway).
> FWIW, if left to my own devices I will eventually get to everything
> except the dblink, ecpg, and encoding/win32 patches.  I don't intend
> to touch any of those because there are other committers better
> qualified to review them.  (I don't actually think we have anybody
> except Michael who's really familiar with ecpg.)

Thanks, I think that's helpful information.

> However, if no other committers are working on it it's going to be
> a long commitfest ...

That is my concern as well.

> The other problem is that most of the patches are not Ready for
> Committer anyway.

I (and hopefully the people who agreed to help with patch-chasing) can
work on this, but given that there are 5 that are Ready for Committer
and probably as many more that are close, and further given that in
the past 7 days exactly 1 patch from the CommitFest has been
committed, I'm not sure there's a real problem here.  If you
commit/bounce all 5 of those afternoon I will spend the evening making
sure you have a few more to tackle tomorrow.


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