Robert Haas wrote:
> - Hot Standby and Streaming Replication are both huge new features in
> this CommitFest, and there seems to be a fair amount of activity
> around both patches.  Heikki previously expressed optimism about
> getting Hot Standby done this CommitFest, but I am not sure whether he
> is still feeling optimistic,

There's a lot of small things that need fixing, but nothing major. I'm
not so much optimistic, but I think we should spend the extra effort
required on hot standby to force it in in this commitfest. It's a big
feature and it really could use some alpha-testing earlier rather than
later. It would also leave time for any extra features or tweaks to be
made in the later commitfests.

OTOH, I'd hate to hold the commitfest hostage for that. Perhaps it
should be returned to author at this point, I should move on to other
patches to get the commitfest closed ASAP, and continue reviewing and
polishing that right after the commitfest.

> or what his feelings are about Streaming
> Replication, which is currently waiting on Fujii Masao for a new
> version.

I'm undecided on whether walreceiver should be a subprocess of the
startup process, or of postmaster as it was submitted. I'd appreciate if
others would take a look into that too and give opinions. And then
there's the small list of things I asked Fujii-san to work on.

  Heikki Linnakangas

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