BTW, something else I'd meant to bring up for discussion is whether
anyone likes the formatting of column privileges in \dp:

regression=# create table foo(bar int, baz int);
regression=# grant select on foo to joe;
regression=# grant insert(bar), update(baz) on foo to joe;
regression=# \dp foo
                              Access privileges
 Schema | Name | Type  |     Access privileges     | Column access privileges 
 public | foo  | table | postgres=arwdDxt/postgres | bar:
                       : joe=r/postgres            :   joe=a/postgres
                                                   : baz:
                                                   :   joe=w/postgres
(1 row)

(The colons after the column names are something I added on my own
authority to Stephen's original.)

This seems a bit ASCII-art-ish to me; it certainly wouldn't be readily
parsable by programs.  Now that's not really the design goal for \d
output, and I don't have a better suggestion offhand, but still...
anyone got a better idea?

                        regards, tom lane

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