Stephen Frost <> writes:
> gah, I find that to be terrible.  If we wanted to compromise, I'd
> rather have \df do what it does today, to keep backwards-compat and
> not confuse users, and \dfU to do what I want 99% of the time.

This seems to me to be the compromise most likely to dissatisfy everyone
the least ...

> On a seperate (kind of) note, I'd really like to be able to say "I want
> this function visible everywhere" like a system function.

Huh?  System functions don't have that property either.

You could do that today with a quick hack on your default search path,
though: set search_path = global, pg_catalog, public or something like
that (... and be *very* careful about what you put in schema "global").

                        regards, tom lane

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