At 20:57 17/03/01 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>Philip Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> At 12:31 17/03/01 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> This would be a lot simpler and cleaner if _PrintData() simply didn't
>>> append a zero byte to the buffer contents.  Philip, is it actually
>>> necessary for it to do that?
>> Strictly, I think the answer is that it is not necessary. The output of the
>> uncompress may be a string, which could be passed to one of the str*
>> functions by a downstream call. AFAICT, this is not the case, and the code
>> should work without it, but it's probably safer in the long run to leave it
>> there.
>Considering that the data we are working with is binary, and may contain
>nulls, any code that insisted on null-termination would probably be ipso
>facto broken.

But we're not; this is the same code that sends the COPY output back to PG.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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