On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 12:10 PM Mark Dilger
<mark.dil...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> On further reflection, I decided to implement these changes and not worry 
> about the behavioral change.


> I skipped this part.  The initcmd argument is only handed to 
> ParallelSlotsGetIdle().  Doing as you suggest would not really be simpler, it 
> would just move that argument to ParallelSlotsSetup().  But I don't feel 
> strongly about it, so I can move this, too, if you like.
> I didn't do this either, and for the same reason.  It's just a parameter to 
> ParallelSlotsGetIdle(), so nothing is really gained by moving it to 
> ParallelSlotsSetup().

OK. I thought it was more natural to pass a bunch of arguments at
setup time rather than passing a bunch of arguments at get-idle time,
but I don't feel strongly enough about it to insist, and somebody else
can always change it later if they decide I had the right idea.

> Rather than the slots user tweak the slot's ConnParams, 
> ParallelSlotsGetIdle() takes a dbname argument, and uses it as 
> ConnParams->override_dbname.

OK, but you forgot to update the comments. ParallelSlotsGetIdle()
still talks about a cparams argument that it no longer has.

The usual idiom for sizing a memory allocation involving
FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER is something like offsetof(ParallelSlotArray,
slots) + numslots * sizeof(ParallelSlot). Your version uses sizeof();

Other than that 0001 looks to me to be in pretty good shape now.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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