On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 6:49 PM Juan José Santamaría Flecha <
juanjo.santama...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 3:00 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks, I will verify these.  BTW, have you done something special to
>> get the error messages which are not in English because on my Windows
>> box I am not getting that in spite of setting it to the appropriate
>> locale.  Did you use ICU or something else?
> If you are trying to view the messages using a CMD, I do not think is
> possible unless you have the OS language installed. I read the results from
> the log file.
I have checked the log file also but still, I am not seeing any changes in
error message language. I am checking two log files one is by enabling
Logging_collector in the conf file and the second is generated using
"pg_ctl -l" option.
I am using windows 10.
Is there another way you are generating the log file?
Did you install any of the locales manually you mentioned in the test file?

Also after initdb I am seeing only following standard locales in the
pg_collation catalog.
postgres=# select * from pg_collation;
  oid  | collname  | collnamespace | collowner | collprovider |
collisdeterministic | collencoding | collcollate | collctype | collversion
   100 | default   | 11 |        10 | d | t               | -1 | | |
   950 | C         | 11 |        10 | c | t               | -1 | C | C |
   951 | POSIX     | 11 |        10 | c | t               | -1 | POSIX |
 12327 | ucs_basic |            11 | 10 | c | t                   | 6 | C |
C |
(4 rows)

Maybe Postgres is not able to get all the installed locales from the system
in my case. Can you confirm if you are getting different results in

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