
[1] made me look at tuplesorts test coverage at
We don't have coverage for a quite a number of things:
- cluster for expression indexes (line 935)
- sorts exceeding INT_MAX / 2 memory (line 1337), but that seems hard to
  test realistically
- aborted abbreviated keys (lines 1522, 1608, 1774, 3620, 3739, 3867, 4266)
- in memory backwards scans (lines 1936, 3042)
- *any* coverage for TSS_SORTEDONTAPE (line 1964)
- disk sort skiptuples (line 2325)
- mergeruns without abbrev key (line 2582)
- disk sorts with more than one run (lines 2707, 2789)
- any disk based tuplesort_begin_heap() (lines 3649, 3676)
- Seems copytup_index currently is essentially dead, because
  tuplesort_putindextuplevalues() doesn't use COPYTUP (line 4142)
- any disk based tuplesort_begin_datum (lines 4282, 4323)

I'm pretty unhappy that tuplesort has been whacked around pretty heavily
in the last few years, while *reducing* effective test coverage
noticeably, rather than increasing it.  There's pretty substantial and
nontrivial areas without any tests - do we have actually have any
confidence that they work?

The largest culprits for that seem to be abbreviated keys, the tape
logic overhaul, and the increase of work mem.


Andres Freund

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