Hello David,

My mistake. Fixed.

About v6: applies, compiles, make check ok.

Code is ok.

Maybe there could be a comment to tell that prior version are not addressed, something like:

  /* else do not bother guessing the temporary status on old version */

No tests, pending an added TAP test infrastructure for psql.

I have a question a out the index stuff: indexes seem to appear as entries in pg_class, and ISTM that they can be temporary/unlogged/permanent as attached to corresponding objects. So the guard is not very useful and it could make sense to show the information on indexes as well.

After removing the guard:

 postgres=# \dtmv+ *foo*
                                    List of relations
 │  Schema   │ Name │       Type        │ Owner  │ Persistence │  Size   │ 
Description │
 │ pg_temp_3 │ foo  │ table             │ fabien │ temporary   │ 0 bytes │      
 │ public    │ mfoo │ materialized view │ fabien │ permanent   │ 0 bytes │      
 │ public    │ ufoo │ table             │ fabien │ unlogged    │ 0 bytes │      
 (3 rows)

 postgres=# \di+ *foo*
                                     List of relations
 │  Schema   │   Name    │ Type  │ Owner  │ Table │ Persistence │    Size    │ 
Description │
 │ pg_temp_3 │ foo_pkey  │ index │ fabien │ foo   │ temporary   │ 8192 bytes │  
 │ public    │ ufoo_pkey │ index │ fabien │ ufoo  │ unlogged    │ 16 kB      │  
 │ public    │ ufoou     │ index │ fabien │ ufoo  │ unlogged    │ 16 kB      │  
 (3 rows)

Is there a special reason not to show it?


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