"Tsunakawa, Takayuki" <tsunakawa.ta...@jp.fujitsu.com> writes: > From: Andres Freund [mailto:and...@anarazel.de] >> I hope you realize feature freeze is in a few hours...
> Ouch! Could you take care of committing the patch, please? I wouldn't be > able to express the sadness and tiredness just in case this is pushed to 13 > because of the parameter name... As far as I can see, the entire intellectual content of this patch is in the names and behaviors of the user-visible options; there's certainly no significant amount of new logic outside of that. And, as far as I can see from a quick review of the thread, we don't really have consensus on the names and behaviors. So I think forcing this in a few hours before feature freeze is a bad idea. That isn't going to create consensus where there was none before; it will just annoy people. regards, tom lane