ne 7. 4. 2019 v 20:27 odesílatel Alvaro Herrera <>

> On 2019-Apr-07, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> > ne 7. 4. 2019 v 19:16 odesílatel Alvaro Herrera <
> > napsal:
> >
> > > Here.
> >
> > + 1
> BTW I'm not sure if you noticed, but I removed the error message "no
> partitioned relations found" when the result was empty.  This was
> mimicking \d behavior (which was justified on historical grounds), and
> \drds behavior (which was justified on pattern ordering grounds); but I
> see nothing that justifies it for \dP, so let's make it behave like all
> the other commands and display an empty table.
> And there's an additional change to make.  In the regression database,
> this returns an empty table:
> regression=# \dPi regress_indexing.pk5_pkey
>      List of partitioned indexes
>  Esquema | Nombre | Dueño | On table
> ---------+--------+-------+----------
> (0 filas)
> but the index does exist, and it is a partitioned one.  So it should be
> displayed.  In fact, if I add the "n" flag, it shows:
> regression=# \dPin regress_indexing.pk5_pkey
>                                List of partitioned indexes
>      Esquema      |  Nombre  |  Dueño   |       Parent name        |
>  On table
> ------------------+----------+----------+--------------------------+----------------------
>  regress_indexing | pk5_pkey | alvherre | regress_indexing.pk_pkey |
> regress_indexing.pk5
> (1 fila)
> I think the fact that \dPi doesn't show it is broken, and this fixes it:
> @@ -3946,7 +3946,8 @@ listPartitionedTables(const char *reltypes, const
> char *pattern, bool verbose)
>         appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "''");       /* dummy */
>         appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, ")\n");
> -       appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, !showNested ? " AND NOT
> c.relispartition\n" : "\n");
> +       appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, !showNested && !pattern ?
> +                                                " AND NOT
> c.relispartition\n" : "");
>         if (!pattern)
>                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "      AND n.nspname <>
> 'pg_catalog'\n"
> In order for this to display sanely, I added the "Parent name" column if
> either the "n" flag is shown or a pattern is given (previously it only
> appeared in the former case).

I am thinking about it and original behave and this new behave should be
expected (and unexpected too). We can go this way - I have not
counter-arguments, but yes, it is more consistent with some other commands,
pattern disables some other constraints.

It should be documented - Using any pattern in this case forces 'n' flag.

> Note that this changes the expected output in the test; now every test
> that uses a pattern displays *all* partitioned relations that match the
> pattern, not just top-level ones.  I'm about +0.2 convinced that this is
> desirable, but my first example above tilts the scales to changing it as
> described.
> I noticed this while testing after messing with the tab completion as
> suggested by Justin: we already had Query_for_list_of_partitioned_tables
> (which you could have used), but since \dP works for both indexes and
> tables, I instead modified your new
> Query_for_list_of_partitioned_relations to list both relation kinds.
has sense.

> --
> Álvaro Herrera      
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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