From: Masahiko Sawada []
> "VACUUM" needs <command> or "vacuum" is more appropriate here?

Looking at the same file and some other files, "vacuum" looks appropriate 
because it represents the vacuum action, not the specific VACUUM command.

> The format of the documentation of new option is a bit weird. Could it
> be possible to adjust it around 80 characters per line like other
> description?

Ah, fixed.  It's easy to overlook the style with the screen reader software...  
I've been wondering if there are good settings for editing .sgml in Emacs that, 
for example, puts appropriate number of spaces at the beginning of each line 
when <Tab> is pressed, automatically break the long line and put spaces, etc.

From: Julien Rouhaud []
> also, the documentation should point out that freeing is not
> guaranteed.  Something like
>  +     The default is true.  If true, VACUUM will try to free empty
> pages at the end of the table.

That's nice.  Done.

> > I'm not sure the consensus we got here but we don't make the vacuum
> > command option for this?
> I don't think here's a clear consensus, but my personal vote is to add
> it, with  SHRINK_TABLE = [ force_on | force_off | default ] (unless a
> better proposal has been made already)

IMO, which I mentioned earlier, I don't think the VACUUM option is necessary 
(1) this is a table property which is determined based on the expected 
workload, not the one that people want to change per VACUUM operation
(2) if someone wants to change the behavior for a particular VACUUM operation, 
he can do it using ALTER TABLE SET.
Anyway, we can add the VACUUM option separately if we want it by all means.  I 
don't it to be the blocker for this feature to be included in PG 12, because 
the vacuum truncaton has been bothering us like others said in this and other 

Takayuki Tsunakawa

Attachment: disable-vacuum-truncation_v6.patch
Description: disable-vacuum-truncation_v6.patch

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