
The socket_timeout patch needs the following fixes.  Now that others have 
already tested these patches successfully, they appear committable to me.

+               else
+                       goto iiv_error;
+       conn->status = CONNECTION_BAD;
+       printfPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+                                         libpq_gettext("invalid integer value 
for socket_timeout\n"));
+       return false;

This goto and its corresponding iiv_error label are redundant.  You can just 
set the error message and return at the call site of parse_int_param().  i.e.:

if (!parse_int_param(...))
    error processing
    return false;
if(conn->socket_timeout > 0 && conn->socket_timeout < 2)
    conn->socket_timeout = 2;

The reason why oom_error label is present is that it is used at multiple places 
to avoid repeating the same error processing code.

+                       conn->sock = -1;

Use PGINVALID_SOCKET instead of -1.

Takayuki Tsunakawa

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