Hello, Kirk-san.

> From: Jamison, Kirk [mailto:k.jami...@jp.fujitsu.com]
> >In TCP_USER_TIMEOUT backend patch:
> > 1) linux ver 2.6.26 -> 2.6.36
> "Linux" should be capitalized.
Oh, yes. I see.

> In config.sgml it uses both "zero" and "0", while in libpq.sgml it only
> uses "zero".
> Since you patterned it from keepalives* docs for both files, I think it's
> alright doing it that way.

In addition, I modified tcp client side patch.
The last patch can't be compiled...
# declaration of sebuf in setTCPUserTimeout()
I'm very sorry for ridiculous mistake.

Best regards,
Ryohei Nagaura

Attachment: socket_timeout_v9.patch
Description: socket_timeout_v9.patch

Attachment: TCP_backend_v16.patch
Description: TCP_backend_v16.patch

Attachment: TCP_interface_v15.patch
Description: TCP_interface_v15.patch

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