> Unless there's some existing way to specify a FREEZE option in the FDW API
> (I assume there isn't), I agree with this.

I am not aware of any way to do this either as postgres_fdw is simply
using libpq.

> > I was also looking at why we block a parent from COPY FREEZE[1], but

> Commit 5c9a551 and its thread [0] appear to have some additional details
> about this.
> [0] 
> https://postgr.es/m/CAKJS1f9BbJ%2BFY3TbdCiap3qXHTFOiwtays9s36-oQkkM9_R5bg%40mail.gmail.com

Thanks for the thread. I will go through it.
I did not too much investigation here yet but I can imagine this might
be a worthwhile
to see the possibility to remove this limitation on a partitioned table.



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