Hi, I was looking at COPY FREEZE and I found that it's possible to run this command on a foreign table, This really does not make sense as this optimization cannot be applied to a remote table and it can give a user a false impression that it was.
""" postgres=# begin; BEGIN postgres=*# create foreign table t1 (id int) server r1; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE postgres=*# copy t1 FROM '/tmp/copy_data' freeze; COPY 999999 -- on the foreign server postgres=# SELECT count(*), all_visible, all_frozen, pd_all_visible FROM pg_visibility('t1'::regclass) group by all_visible, all_frozen, pd_all_visible; count | all_visible | all_frozen | pd_all_visible -------+-------------+------------+---------------- 5 | f | f | f (1 row) """ The other issue here is that one can only use COPY FREEZE on a foreign table only if the foreign table is created in the transaction. A truncate will not work, making the error message wrong. """ postgres=# begin; BEGIN postgres=*# truncate table foreign_table_1; TRUNCATE TABLE postgres=*# copy foreign_table_1 FROM 'copy_data' freeze; ERROR: cannot perform COPY FREEZE because the table was not created or truncated in the current subtransaction postgres=!# """ I think we should just block Foreign tables as we do with partition tables. Attached patch does that. I was also looking at why we block a parent from COPY FREEZE[1], but the comments do not convince me this is a good idea. I think there are good cases to allow this considering there is a common use case in which a single COPY command can load a large amount of data, making the overhead to check the partitions worth the value of the FREEZE optimization. I will probably start a separate thread for this. Regards, Sami Imseih Amazon Web Services (AWS) [1] https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/master/src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c#L727-L735
Description: Binary data