On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 6:17 AM Tomas Vondra <to...@vondra.me> wrote:
> If this analysis is correct, I think it's rather suspicious we don't
> reset the candidate fields on restart.  Can those "old" values ever be
> valid? But I haven't tried resetting them.

I had the same question. IIRC resetting them also fixes the
problem[1]. However, I got a comment from Alvaro[2]:

  Hmm, interesting -- I was studying some other bug recently involving the
  xmin of a slot that had been invalidated and I remember wondering if
  these "candidate" fields were being properly ignored when the slot is
  marked not in use; but I didn't check. Are you sure that resetting them
  when the slot is released is the appropriate thing to do? I mean,
  shouldn't they be kept set while the slot is in use, and only reset if
  we destroy it?

Which made me re-investigate the issue and thought that it doesn't
necessarily need to clear these candidate values in memory on
releasing a slot as long as we're carefully updating restart_lsn.
Which seems a bit efficient for example when restarting from a very
old point. Of course, even if we reset them on releasing a slot, it
would perfectly work since it's the same as restarting logical
decoding with a server restart. I think
LogicalIncreaseRestartDecodingForSlot() should be fixed as it seems
not to be working expectedly, but I could not have proof that we
should either keep or reset them on releasing a slot.



Masahiko Sawada
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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