Andres Freund <> writes:
> On 2022-08-28 10:09:53 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> -x | pre<!--c1--><?pi arg?><![CDATA[&ent1]]><n2>&amp;deep</n2>post
>> +x | pre<?pi arg?><![CDATA[&ent1]]><!--c1--><n2>&amp;deep</n2>post

> Pretty weird, agreed. But hard to see how it could be caused by the
> randomization change, except that perhaps it could highlight a preexisting
> bug?

I have no idea either.  I agree there *shouldn't* be any connection,
so if ASLR is somehow triggering this then whatever is failing is
almost certainly buggy on its own terms.  But there's a lot of
moving parts here (mumble libxml mumble).  I'm going to wait to see
if it reproduces before spending much effort.

                        regards, tom lane

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