On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 05:33:56PM -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> The weirdest part is that it only happens as part of the the pg_upgrade test.

make check has just failed:

> I just tested it in my test windows vm (win 10, vs 2019), with a build of
> libxml I had around (2.9.7), and the regression tests passed both "normally"
> and within pg_upgrade.

bowerbird is feeling from c:\\prog\\3p64\\include\\libxml2 and
c:\\prog\\3p64\\lib\\libxml2.lib.  I am not sure which version of
libxml this is, and the other animals of MSVC don't use libxml so it
is not possible to correlate that only to VS 2017, either.

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