(2017/12/13 16:38), Amit Langote wrote:
I recently posted to the list about a couple of problems I saw when using
array type column as the partition key.  One of them was that the internal
partition constraint expression that we generate for list partitions is of
a form that the backend would reject if the partition key column is an
array instead of a scalar.  See for example:
create table p (a int[]) partition by list (a);
create table p1 partition of p for values in ('{1}');
create table p2 partition of p for values in ('{2, 3}', '{4, 5}');

insert into p values ('{1}');
insert into p values ('{2, 3}'), ('{4, 5}');

\d+ p1
Partition of: p FOR VALUES IN ('{1}')
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (ARRAY['{1}'::integer[]])))

\d+ p2
Partition of: p FOR VALUES IN ('{2,3}', '{4,5}')
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (ARRAY['{2,3}'::integer[], '{4,5}'::integer[]])))

Try copy-pasting the p1's constraint into SQL:

In a select query:

select tableoid::regclass, (a)::anyarray OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY
(ARRAY['{1}'::integer[]]) from p;
ERROR:  operator does not exist: integer[] pg_catalog.= integer
LINE 1: select tableoid::regclass, (a)::anyarray OPERATOR(pg_catalog...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.

Or use in a check constraint:

alter table p1 add constraint check_a check ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (ARRAY['{1}'::integer[]]));
ERROR:  operator does not exist: integer[] pg_catalog.= integer
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.

That's because, as Tom pointed out [1], ANY/ALL expect the LHS to be a
scalar, whereas in this case a is an int[].  So, the partitioning code is
internally generating an expression that would not get through the parser.
  I think it's better that we fix that.

Attached patch is an attempt at that.  With the patch, instead of
internally generating an ANY/ALL expression, generate an OR expression
instead.  So:

\d+ p1
Partition of: p FOR VALUES IN ('{1}')
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) '{1}'::integer[]))

\d+ p2
Partition of: p FOR VALUES IN ('{2,3}', '{4,5}')
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) '{2,3}'::integer[]) OR ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) '{4,5}'::integer[])))

The expressions above get through the parser just fine:

select tableoid::regclass, (a)::anyarray OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=)
'{1}'::integer[] from p;
  tableoid | ?column?
  p1       | t
  p2       | f
  p2       | f
(3 rows)

alter table p1 add constraint check_a check ((a)::anyarray
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) '{1}'::integer[]);

\d+ p1
Check constraints:
     "check_a" CHECK (a = '{1}'::integer[])
Thanks for the patch!  Here are review comments that I have for now:

* I think it's a good idea to generate an OR expression tree for the case where the type of the partitioning key is an array, but I'm not sure we should handle other cases the same way because partition constraints represented by OR-expression trees would not be efficiently processed by the executor, compared to ScalarArrayOpExpr, when the number of elements that are ORed together is large. So what about generating the OR expression tree only if the partitioning-key's type is an array, instead? That would be more consistent with the handling of IN-list check constraints in eg, CREATE/ALTER TABLE, which I think is a good thing.
* I think it'd be better to add a test case where multiple elements are 
ORed together as a partition constraint.
Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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