On 01/03/2018 07:49 AM, Jeff Janes wrote:

O.k. what does it tell us though? Is it a resource issue? Is it a barrier of entry issue?

Lack of ownership/ruthlessness.  While I can edit it to remove items that don't seem desirable (or comprehensible, or whatever) I'm not likely to do so, unless I'm the one who added it in the first place. Maybe it made more sense or was more important to someone else, like the person who added it.  At one time many of the items didn't have links to the relevant email discussions (or more detailed wiki pages of their own), so those would have been good targets for purging but I think Bruce hunted down and added links for most of them.

Another problem is that wikimedia doesn't have a "git blame" like feature.  I've been frustrated before trying to figure out who added an item and when, so I could research it a bit more.

It seems to me that this is rather easily solved with an issue tracker or enhancement to the commitfest app. With an issue tracker we just set a status of "wishlist" and then set up a simple public report that allows people to see wishlist items. Plus we get the benefit of an issue tracker.

The commitfest app could work in a similar fashion. The commitfest app could be replaced by an issue tracker to, but we as a community tend to suffer from NIH, so it might be less of a battle to just adjust the commitfest app.

Either one of these options allows to consolidation of tools as well as information portals both of which would help the community.

Heck we could go a step further and actually allow (authenticated) voting on various features. This would provide the community the ability to more easily interact with -hackers on various features that would be desirable. (I am not suggesting that the voting dictate our direction but to allow feedback on new and interesting ideas that show community support)

Of course that takes resources. There have been discussions of getting an issue tracker in the past but the priority has appeared to drop to the wayside.



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