Gaetano Mendola wrote:

Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:

Since you are running autovacuum I doubt the doing vacuumdb -a -z is 3
times a day buying you much.  It's not a bad idea to do once in a while.

The reason is that I have few tables of about 5 milion with ~ 10000 insert per
day. Even with setting -v 300 -V 0.1 this means these tables will be analyzed
each 50 days. So I have to force it.

I understand, but 10,000 new rows increate your table size only 0.2%, so it won't significantly effect anything. Also, if they really are just inserts then vacuum is totally unnecessary. I agree that for these situations pg_autovacuum should be supplemented by vacuumdb -a -z every once in a while, all I was pointing out was that 3 times a day is probably excessive.


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